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Render Settings

From within this window all render-settings of various 3d-operators
supporting the  PowerPlugs! -concept can be adjusted.
Most these options are ignored if the output of the selected effect ist
a 3d-temp-buffer. The only exception ist the parameter "Quant3D"
which affects the quality of both rendered images and transformed


Name        Possible Values/Unit            Description

Zoom        -10.0...10.0                    zoom factor for the whole image
CentreX,    pixels                          centre for zooming and rotating
CentreY     pixels
CamX,       pixels                          camera-position
CamY,       pixels
CamZ        pixels
Rotate      XY, YZ, XZ, NONE                axis-pair to rotate around/disable rotating
Alpha       degrees                         first rotation angle
Beta        degrees                         second rotation angle

Light       NORMAL, PHONG, OFF              type of the applied shading

Current     1...4                           select the lightsource to modify
LightX,     pixels                          position of the current lightsource
LightRed,   0...255                         color of the current lightsource

Ambient     0.0...1.0                       ambient intensity
Diffuse     0.0...1.0                       diffuse intensity
Phong       0.0...1.0                       phong intensity
PhongSize   0.0...infinity                  size of the "phong-spot"
PhongAngle  degrees                         max-smoothing-angle for the phong-shader
Faces       NORMAL, DOUBLE                  draw the faces single- or double-sided
Quant3D     0.1...100.0                      3D-Quantization-Value 

Store       copy the current settings to an internal buffer
Import      import settings from the internal buffer

This functions are very useful if you have designed a "perfect
scene" and want to add some more effects to it. Just store
the settings of the last 3d-effect of your old script and apply
them to last of the new one.

A) Camera Position
To simplify the selection of the right view the camera-position is
interpreted as follows. The (camX,camY)-pair causes a simple translation
of the generated object into the xy-plane and the camZ-value only
affects the perspective distortion. The object-size can be adjusted by
the zoom-parameter.
This makes it very easy to create effects starting from an untransformed
image. The camZ-values must be always in the range -100...-10000.
Small values like -200 cause "strange" views, large values like
-1000 cause the generation of a nearly parallel view. The actual limits
depend on the image-size but the preset-value of -800 should always
produce a "normal 3d-look".

B) Phong Shading
Phong shading is only applied to triangles or imported Lightwave-objects.
Rendering simple objects without "sharp edges" a phong-angle of
>180 degrees speeds up the computation.

C) Lightsources
If you have no idea about the various intensities here comes a more
detailed description:
 *ambient  : ambient intensity is the brighness of the object if all
             lightsources are turned off.
 *diffuse  : diffuse intensity is the intensity of light used to
             modify the object-color.
             (Therefore the combination ambient=1.0 and diffuse=0.0
             produces "flat" images.)
 *phong    : intensity of these nice "bright spots"
 *phongSize: size of the phong-spots, large values (like 10.0...100.0)
             produce surfaces with high gloss ("hardness")

D) Coordinate System
The follwing coordinate system is used while transforming and
rendering images:

                   y^                |        |
                    | /z       ===>  |        |
                    |/               |        |
                     ---> x           ----------> x

                    3D-Object          image